





From the Editors

Twitter is aflame once again with fiery accusations of antisemitism. As if we hadn’t all enjoyed the thoroughly edifying earlier instalments of this particular three, five, ten-act play? Forgive my cynicism but my initial reaction to this and previous variations on this theme is that many involved...
From the Editors

买switch需要注意哪些细节才不会被坑? - 知乎:1 天前 · 6、 外版机联网时要经常用到加速器和vpn,切记不要使用不安全的vpn啊,这个切记!我在网上做功课(是我,我就是补考型选手)的时候,发现有人使用不安全的vpn,然后使用信用卡的时候数据被记录下来了,被盗刷了。

Didn’t they learn anything from the attempted eviction of Can Vies two years ago, and the popular response that ensued? Have they not yet understood that when you attack the autonomous fabric of a neighbourhood in a city like Barcelona, it will cause the underlying the social, political and economic...
How-To Guides

Evictions & Bailiffs
Click Image for High-Resolution PDF
Resisting an eviction is a last resort, not a long term solution, giveing you time to organise alternative accommodation. If facing eviction, other pressure needs to be applied to keep people in their homes or find new ones, including entering homeless applications...

Migration Maps
In 2013, Group 484 invited several artists to work with asylum seekers in an asylum centre near the village of
Bogovadja, near Valjevo. At that time, the number of migrants in Serbia was not nearly as large as it is today.
The issue of migration, except in the narrow circles of activists and individual...

The Failures of Atmospheric Commodification
“The rush to make profits out of carbon-fixing engenders another kind of colonialism.”
We’re all familiar with the ongoing planetary biocrisis. Global temperatures are predicted to rise by 4°C by 2100, with recent research warning of a 6°C rise by 2100, a far cry from the 2°C...

All expressions of gender non-conformity are antagonistic, especially trans femininity.
Gender antagonisms aren’t always brash. It’s defiant to take up physical space as a woman or a femme; it’s confrontational to wear nail polish as a man or a masc.
Daily antagonisms are both empowering and tend...
Political Theory

We Don’t Share Anything
Critiquing Corbyn: capitalism isn’t about sharing
There was much hype over Jeremy Corbyn’s successful campaign to lead the Labour Party. What has been largely absent from the debate is an evaluation of Corbyn’s economic ideas and assumptions. In The Economy in 2023, Corbyn set out...

Education Not Surveillance
New duties, flawed concepts
On 1 July 2015, a new legal duty was placed on schools and early years and childcare providers to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. The revised statutory guidance stipulates that ‘being drawn into terrorism includes not...
Praxis & Protest

PARCOE is a grassroots alliance working in Europe to amplify the voices of Afrikan Communities of Reparations Interest all over the world. For us in PARCOE, there are spatial dimensions to reparatory justice for people of Afrikan heritage. According to political geographer Edward Soja, ‘spatial (in)justice...

The Lure of ‘Frozen’ Racism
“I know the whole House will want to join me in marking Holocaust Memorial Day. It is right our whole country should stand together to remember the darkest hour of humanity. Last year, on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, I said we would build a striking national memorial in London...
Political Theory

The expanding field of Afro-pessimism theorises the structural relation between Blackness and Humanity as an irreconcilable encounter, an antagonism. One cannot know Blackness as distinct from slavery, for there is no Black temporality which is antecedent to the temporality of the Black slave. Civil...

This publication has been around since 2011, in one form or another. For the past three years we have been propped up financially by a few large donations that have allowed us to print the past several issues. The printing costs for this current issue will take us to the very bottom of our piggy-bank,...

Editorial: March 2016
We are living through times of emboldened reaction, where far-right politics gain ground in European Parliaments and on European streets, where the mainstream right increasingly overlaps with the KKK and white supremacy shows itself more unabashedly. As people who seek the abolition of capital, the...
Full Issue

OT29 // March 2016
The central theme of this issue, pulling together much of the visuals and written content, revolves around questions of colonialism, “race”, and racism, both their formation and continuation into the present day.